Create a project

Create a new project or import a project from GitHub.

This article walks you through the process of creating a new project or importing a project from GitHub.

After you log into the Hiro Platform, you will automatically land on the projects tab and be prompted to create a project or import from GitHub.

create or import a project

Create new project

To create a new project, you can start with a blank project or use one of the examples displayed in the project modal. Those sample projects include a Hello world contract, fungible and non-fungible token contracts, a counter contract, a swap contract, and more. You can also refer to the examples in the Clarity examples to view the source code.

Create new project

Once you select a new project from the list, the selected example project will be automatically cloned and displayed on the projects page. For example, here is a project page with the counter project template.

Hello world project

From this projects page, you can manage all of your projects, and when you click into an individual project, you can then see all of the contracts in that particular project, edit those contracts, and add new ones.

Import project from GitHub

When you import a project from GitHub, there will be a modal displayed on the right where you can enter the GitHub URL of your project.

Import from GitHub

Once you enter the URL of your project, select clone to clone your project into the Hiro Platform.


The maximum project size allowed for imports is 50 MB.

You can now find your cloned project on the projects page in the platform, and by clicking into the project, you can see a list of all Clarity contracts ending with .clar extension, which will look something like this:

Import Clarinet project from GitHub